Naiste Koostöökett nõupidamine


24.septembril toimus Tallinnas vabaühenduse Naiste Koostöökett järjekordne nõupidamine. Seekordsel nõupidamisel osalesid Reformierakonna, Isamaliidu, Keskerakonna, Rahvaliidu naisühenduste ning Naisliidu, Ettevõtlike naiste ja Puuetega naiste esindajad.

Päevakorras oli:

1.ülevaade hetkeolukorrast
2.vabaühendus Naiste Koostöökett konseptsioon
3.vabaühenduse tegevuskava
4.töökorraldus ja teavitamine.

Tulenevalt põhikirjast on Naiste Koostööketil 3 eesmärki:

1.olla ühiseid eesmärke omavate naisühenduste riigisisese ja rahvusvahelise koostöö ühenduseks;
2.toetada naiste osalemist ühiskondlikus elus ja poliitikas, parandada sisepoliitilist kliimat ühiskonnas;
3.saavutada naiste ja meeste võrdõiguslikkuse põhimõtete rakendamine seadusandluses, poliitikas ja igapäevaelus.

Asutamisliikme staatuse saavad kõik ülevabariikliku liikmeskonnaga naisorganisatsioonid, kes ühinevad Naiste Koostööketiga enne 31.dets. 2003 ja kes:
• toetavad põhikirjast lähtuvaid eesmärke,
• omavad määratletud liikmeskonda,
• vastutavad oma otsuste ja tegude eest,
• lähtudes põhikirjast ja kodukorrast tegutsevad ja esindavad ennast ise.

Vabaühendus Eesti Naiste Koostöökett on asunud koostama tegevuskava naiskandidaatide toetamiseks eelseisvatel Europarlamendi valimistel.

Koos Soome suuremate erakondade ja üleriigiliste naisteühendustega (NYTKIS) arutatakse ühistegevuse põhimõtteid ning riigisisese ja rahvusvahelise koostöö võimalusi. Seminaril Tallinnas sõlmitakse ka partnerlussuhted sarnaste eesmärkidega organisatsioonide vahel.
28.novembril korraldavad Koostöökett ja vabaühendus Kodanikukoolitus Pärnus rahvusvahelise seminari koos partneritega Soomest, Rootsist ja Loode-Venemaalt.
29.novembril toimub Pärnu Kontserdimajas Eesti naisorganisatsioonide konverents TASAKAAL. Korraldajad on Koostööketi poolt Pärnu naiste eestkosteühendus Kodanikujulgus ja Kodanikukoolitus ning partnerorganisatsioonid Soomest, Rootsist ja Loode-Venemaalt.
Uue aasta plaanides on Naisliidu eestvõttel Naiste Päeva tähistamine ning maikuine konverents Tartus.
Koostööketti kuulub 10 üle-eestilist naisorganisatsiooni, mille liikmeskonna kaudu on kokku esindatud ligi 20 tuhat naist.

Septembri algul saatis vabaühendus Naiste Koostöökett avalduse Brüsselisse sooviga liituda Euroopa Liidu naisteorganisatsiooniga EWL. VT. Lisad: EWL põhikiri, asutamisleping ja liikmeksastumise avaldus

Application Form for National Co-ordinating bodies for the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)

Once filled out, one original copy should be sent to the European Women’s Lobby by regular mail:
European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
18 Rue Hydraulique
1210 Brussels

If you have any questions relating to the application form, please do not hesitate to contact the EWL Secretariat at: ewlatwomenlobby [dot] org

After submitting the completed Application form, including annexes, the EWL has to approve the application for Membership. The EWL internal procedure for accepting and welcoming new EWL national co-ordinations, involving a decision by the EWL General Assembly, is described in more detail in the document “Becoming a full member of the EWL: Forming a EWL national co-ordination”

Note: Please use as much space as needed to respond to the questions, without being constrained by the size of the indicated text boxes.

A. General Information

1. Name of the national co-ordination applying to become full members of EWL:
Eesti Naiste Koostöökett
Co-operation Network of Estonian Women (Women`s Cooperation Network, WCN)

2. Contact details of the lead organisation/ contact point for the National co-ordination of EWL
Name of the organisation: Co-operation Network of Estonian Women (WCN)
Name of person responsible for the application procedure:
Merike Metstak, member of the Board
Kadri Jäätma, contact point

Street: Vana- Viru Number: 12
Postal code: 15080
City: Tallinn
Country: Estonia
Telephone: + 372 50 90812
Fax: + 372 693 58 01
Email: kadri [dot] jaatmaatstarman [dot] ee

Bank account details:

Name of account holder: Eesti Naiste Koostöökett, Co-operation Network of Estonian Women

Address of beneficiary: Vana- Viru 12, Tallinn 15080, Estonia
Account number of beneficiary: 10220033128017
Name of the Bank: Eesti Ühispank
Address of the Bank: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn
Code IBAN (International Bank Account Number):

Please list the women’s NGOs, and women’s sections of mixed NGOs, members of the applying co-ordination and their addresses/contact details.

Estonian Women’s Union
address: Gonsiori 29, 15027 Tallinn
registry code 80106161
Estonian Union of Disabled Women
address: Endla 59, 10615 Tallinn
registry code 80055707
Women Association of the Estonian United People’s Party (Non-Estonian Party) address: Estonia pst.3/5, 10143 Tallinn
Registry code 80161007
Epp (Women Association of the Estonian People’s Union)
address: Pärnu mnt. 30-6, 10141 Tallinn
registry code 80182400
NGO Women’s Association of Pro Patria Union
address: Wismari 11, 10136 Tallinn
Women Association Kena of the Estonian Centre Party
address: Toom-Rüütli 3/5, 10130 Tallinn
NGO Civil Courage (Round Table of the Women Associations of Pärnu County) address: Tahkuranna vald Uulu side,
86502 Pärnumaa
registry code 80125833
Women Reform Club NaiRe
address: Tõnismäe 3A-15, 10119 Tallinn
registry code 80132402
Estonian Union of Women in Business
address: Merivälja tee 1-K106, 11911 Tallinn
registry code 80172717
NGO QUIN Estonia address: Vilde tee 68-8, 13421 Tallinn
registry code 80143334

B. Mission and Objectives of the Co-ordination

3. Please describe the mission and objectives of the national co-ordination of EWL

Objectives of the activity of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK:
1) to be the national and international link between political and non-political women organisations and cooperation organisations of women organisations (regional round tables) who are legally registered in Estonia, have national membership and common objectives;
2) to support the participation of women in social life and politics, to encourage training and improvement of knowledge of women, to develop the domestic political climate in the society;
3) to achieve the implementation of the principles of equality between men and women in Estonian legislation, politics and daily life.
In order to fulfil the objectives the CO-OPERATION
1) assists in increasing the role of women in decision-making, develops co-operation with central government authorities, local governments, companies and non-profit organisations, organisations and individuals at home and abroad;
2) makes proposals for amendment and rectification of legislation through its members and participates in the elaboration of new legislation;
3) supports decisions adopted in the World Conference on Women in Peking (1995) and the general principles of the European Union and the Council of Europe;
4) is active in developing a civil society in Estonia that is based on equality;
5) organises seminars, training days, international conferences, carries out market researches, questionnaires and monitoring surveys, provides scholarships and honorary titles, initiates and prepares projects, establishes foundations;
6) organises fee-charging events to acquire means for its activities, carries out transactions with its property, concludes sponsor and advertising contracts, organises competitions, etc.

4. Commitments to promoting Equality between women and men

The members of the national co-ordination applying for Membership of the EWL have demonstrated a support for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol and the Beijing Platform for Action.

The national co-ordination of EWL accepts EWL’s purpose and aims and its key policy statements and joint declarations as decided by the General Assembly.

We confirm that the national co-ordination of EWL acts independently of any political party or religious authority.

5. If you already have a plan of activities, even a preliminary one, please describe its main elements:

The coordinator acts on the basis of a specific action plan prepared by the Board.

Main directions of the activities:
o Analysis of the legislation enacted in Estonia on the basis of the interests of women and principles of gender equality
o Scrutiny over, informing the public about, involvement of women associations into, and making proposals for draft acts concerning interests of women and gender equality in Riigikogu (the Parliament)
o Scrutiny, informing the public, involvement of women associations, and making proposals on local and regional level
o Support for increasing the role of women in making economic-political decisions
o Participation in the elaboration of the policies of the EWL, observing and introducing the policies to the Estonian public through women associations, taking the principles to the level of the Estonian legislator
o Protection of moral principles in politics and daily life in the society

C. Democratic Structure and Functioning of the Co-ordination

6. Please describe the agreed internal structures and functioning of the national co-ordination of EWL? (i.e. will there be an Annual meetings for all members, will the co-ordination have a Board, a Steering committee, etc? )

The structure is based on the principles of Civil Society – the prerequisites of joint action of national women associations are common goals and perceptions about responsibility, rights and duties. The activeness of the coordinating organisation is ensured by:
o The principle of consensus. Decisions are passed on the approval of all parties.
o The decisions are equally binding on all parties.

1. The highest body of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK is the general meeting of the members. The members are represented by persons with a written authorisation from member associations.
2. The Board convenes and holds the general meeting according to the order established by law.
3. The jurisdiction of the general meeting covers:
1) changing the statutes;
2) approval of the annual report of the fiscal year;
3) appointing the Board on the basis of the principle of rotation with the interval of 12 months; appointing the member organisation that manages the work of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK on the basis of the principle of rotation with the interval of 6 months;
4) approval of the action plan and the standing rule;
5) fixing the amount and the order of the entrance fee and the membership fee;
6) terminating the activities.
4. The general meeting may pass decisions if more than half of the members of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK are represented.
5. Each member of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK has one vote. A decision of the general meeting is passed if more than half of the authorised representatives of the members who participated in the meeting vote in favour.
6. The Board manages and represents the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.
7. The minimum number of the members of the Board of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK is 3.
8. The jurisdiction of the Board covers:
1) representing the CO-OPERATION NETWORK;
2) determining the directions, methods and plan of activities;
3) preparing the standing rule and organising the activities;
4) convening and holding the general meeting;
5) recruiting and excluding members;
6) concluding necessary contracts for carrying out activities;
7) managing accounting according to the Accounting Act.

a) Please describe how the national co-ordination of EWL will be representative of a broad range of women’s organisations across the whole of the member state/country?

The CO-OPERATION NETWORK unites political and non-political legally registered women associations and legally registered co-operation organisations of women associations (regional round tables) with national membership in Estonia and with common objectives.

At the moment of submitting the application the CO-OPERATION NETWORK consists of 10 national organisations, which represent 128 regional, local and professional organisations; women from different political parties, religious confessions and ethnic minorities; women with disabilities; intellectuals and people from cultural circles; and other organisations that unite approximately 23 000 women.

b) Please describe how the needs and perspectives of the many women that face multiple discrimination, including women of different ages, races or ethnic origins, religions or beliefs, abilities, and sexual orientation (this list is not exclusive) will be integrated? (are minority women’s associations included in the co-ordination, special working groups, quotas, etc)

The CO-OPERATION NETWORK represents a wide range of women ensuring that different opinions from different circles of women are taken into account in the work of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.

8. Membership: Please describe the procedure for how the national co-ordination of EWL will deal with applications from women’s associations that wish to join the co-ordination?

The Board of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK reviews and decides on the applications for membership of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.

9. What are the procedures for electing representatives to the EWL General Assembly and EWL Board of Administration?

The Representative will be elected by the General Assembly of the WCN. The duration of the representation period is minimum 1 year.

10. Please describe how the national co-ordination of EWL will ensure democratic consultation procedures involving all its members in relation to EWL policy positions?

The draft documents and decisions will be discussed by member organisations, the decisions will be made by consensus.

11. Please describe how the national co-ordination of EWL will ensure information dissemination among all its members?

The information will be disseminated to its member organisations as the member organisations are responsible for nominating the information-secretaries. Each member organisation will take care of the respective dissemination.

As the electronical solutions and IT possibilities are widely available in Estonia, the biggest channel for information dissemination is organised by electronical mail-lists. The alternative is to disseminate information via regular mail.

12. Please describe the tasks of the organisation acting as a lead agency / secretariat for the new national EWL co-ordination?

The general meeting elects, with the interval of 6 months, the member organisation that manages the work of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK; it is up to the organisation how it will organise the secretarial work.

The tasks are as follows:
a) to prepare materials for the Board meetings
b) to take minutes of the Board meetings
c) to disseminate information from and to EWL
d) to prepare information for lobbying activities
e) to keep and update database of WCN members
f) to organise networks of decision makers on different fields of socio-economical life

The national co-ordination applying to become full Members of the EWL agrees to pay the annual membership fee.


(of person responsible of the lead organisation/ contact point for the National co-ordination of EWL)

Don’t forget to enclose the annexes:

– The work programme of the applicant’s organisation where this already exists;
– The statutes of the applicant or the protocol of co-operation signed by those women’s NGOs and women’s sections of mixed NGOs in the member state that want to come together in a National EWL Co-ordination

Y:POLICYEnlargementCentre developmentNew national co-ordinations1st Draft EWL Application form_National co-ordinations.doc

Memorandum of Association of the Co-operation Network of Estonian Women

4 August 2003 in Tallinn

We, the representatives of the legal persons who have signed the act, establish a non-governmental organisation Co-operation Network of Estonian Women (Women Co-operation Network, WCN).

The objective of the Co-operation Network is to be the link for national and international cooperation of Estonian women, to support the participation of women in social life and politics, to develop the domestic political climate in the society, to achieve the implementation of the principle of equality between men and women in Estonian legislation, politics and daily life.

The location of the Co-operation Network of Estonian Women is the Republic of Estonia,
Address: Vana- Viru 12, Tallinn 15080

The founders are the following legal persons:

Estonian Women’s Union address: Gonsiori 29, Tallinn 15027
registry code 80106161
Estonian Union of Disabiled Women
address: Endla 59, Tallinn 10615
registry code 80055707
Women Association of the Estonian United People’s Party
address: Estonia pst.3/5, Tallinn 10143
registry code 80161007
Epp (Women Association of the Estonian People’s Union)
address: Pärnu mnt. 30-6, Tallinn 10141
registry code 80182400
NGO Women’s Association of Pro Patria Union
address: Wismari 11, Tallinn 10136
Women Association Kena of the Estonian Centre Party
address: Toom-Rüütli 3/5, Tallinn
NGO Civil Courage (Round Table of the Women Associations of Pärnu County) address: Tahkuranna vald Uulu side, Pärnumaa
registry code 80125833
Women Reform Club NaiRe address: Tõnismäe 3A-15, Tallinn 10119
registry code 80132402
Estonian Union of Women in Business
address: Merivälja tee 1-K106, 11911 Tallinn
registry code: 80172717
NGO QUIN Estonia address: Vilde tee 68-8, 13421 Tallinn
registry code 80143334

The founders act on the basis of the Statutes. The Statutes signed by the representatives of the founding members is attached.

The founders appointed the board with the following membership:

1. Estonian Women’s Association authorised representative
address: Gonsiori 29, Tallinn 15027 Marge Tee
registry code 80106161

2. Epp (Women Association of the Estonian People’s authorised representative
Union) Merike Metstak
address: Pärnu mnt. 30-6, Tallinn 10141
registry code 80182400

3. Civil Courage (Round Table of the Women authorised representative
Associations of Pärnu County) Astrid Hindriks
address: Tahkuranna vald Uulu side,
Pärnumaa 86502
registry code 80125833

Signatures of the representatives of the founders:

Estonian Women’s Union Siiri Oviir

Estonian Union of Disabled Women Mare Abner

Women Association of the Estonian United People’s Party Irina Drozdova

Epp (Women Association of the Estonian People’s Union) Merike Metstak

NGO Women’s Association of Pro Patria Union Kadri Jäätma

Women Association Kena of the Estonian Centre Party Marika Tuus

NGO Civil Courage (Round Table of the Women Associations Astrid Hindriks
of Pärnu County)

Women Reform Club NaiRe Margot Fjuk

Estonian Union of Women in Business Kersti Kraht

NGO QUIN Estonia Anne-Mari Rannamäe




1. Co-operation Network of Estonian Women (henceforth CO-OPERATION NETWORK) is a voluntary, independent, non-profit organisation that operates in public interest on democratic principles.
2. CO-OPERATION NETWORK unites political and non-political legally registered women associations, and co-operation organisations of women associations (regional round tables) with national membership in Estonia and with common objectives.
3. CO-OPERATION NETWORK bases its activity on legislation in force in Estonia and on the current Statutes.
4. CO-OPERATION NETWORK uses the revenue from its economic activity to achieve the objectives specified in the Statutes, revenue will not be distributed among members.
5. CO-OPERATION NETWORK is a legal person in private law, whose passive legal capacity is established with its registration in the Registry of Non-Governmental Organisations and Foundations.
6. CO-OPERATION NETWORK has its own insignia and the sole right of its use and disposal.
7. CO-OPERATION NETWORK is located in the Republic of Estonia.


8. Objectives of the activity of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK:
1) to be the national and international link between political and non-political women organisations and cooperation organisations of women organisations (regional round tables) who are legally registered in Estonia, have national membership and common objectives;
2) to support the participation of women in social life and politics, to encourage training and improvement of knowledge of women, to develop the domestic political climate in the society;
3) to achieve the implementation of the principles of equality between men and women in Estonian legislation, politics and daily life.
9. In order to fulfil the objectives the CO-OPERATION
1) assists in increasing the role of women in decision-making, develops co-operation with central government authorities, local governments, companies and non-profit organisations, organisations and individuals at home and abroad;
2) makes proposals for amendment and rectification of legislation through its members and participates in the elaboration of new legislation;
3) supports decisions adopted in the World Conference on Women in Peking (1995) and the general principles of the European Union and the Council of Europe;
4) is active in developing a civil society in Estonia that is based on equality;
5) organises seminars, training days, international conferences, carries out market researches, questionnaires and monitoring surveys, provides scholarships and honorary titles, initiates and prepares projects, establishes foundations;
6) organises fee-charging events to acquire means for its activities, carries out transactions with its property, concludes sponsor and advertising contracts, organises competitions, etc.


10. The members of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK may be political and non-political women organisations that are registered as legal persons, and co-operation organisations of women organisations (regional round tables) that are legally registered, have national membership, respect and comply with the current Statutes and carry out their activities in accordance with the objectives of the association.
11. In order to become a member of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK it is necessary to submit a written application.
12. Persons with a written authorisation from member associations represent the members of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK in its activities and management. The authorisation may not be passed on nor bequeathed.
13. A member may withdraw from the CO-OPERATION NETWORK by submitting a written application.
14. A member may be excluded from membership by a decision of the board if the member fails to comply with the regulations in the Statutes, or damages the image of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK by its activities or non-activities, or if the activities of the member have been terminated.
15. A member of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK has the right:
1) to participate with the right to vote in meetings, elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK, represent the CO-OPERATION NETWORK on the authorisation of its managing bodies in other organisations and events;
2) to use training and self-improvement possibilities created by the CO-OPERATION NETWORK;
3) to submit proposals and inquiries about the activities of the elected bodies of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK and to receive information about the activities of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK;
4) to resign membership of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.
16. The members of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK must:
1) adhere to the Statutes and the regulations enforced by the elected bodies within their jurisdiction;
2) participate actively in the activities of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK;
3) pay the entrance fee when joining the organisation and the membership fee according to the order established by the general meeting;
4) inform the board about restructuring, merging, dividing or terminating the activities of the member organisation;
5) participate in regular and special general meetings and in the work of the elected bodies if belonging to them;
6) preserve and protect the image of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK, stand for its objectives and principles;
7) not damage the image of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK by its activities or non-activities.


17. The highest body of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK is the general meeting
of the members. The members are represented by persons with a written authorisation from member associations.
18. The board convenes and holds the general meeting according to the order established by law.
19. The jurisdiction of the general meeting covers:
1) changing the statutes;
2) approval of the annual report of the fiscal year;
3) appointing the board on the basis of the principle of rotation;
4) approval of the action plan and the standing rule;
5) fixing the amount and the order of the entrance fee and the membership fee;
6) terminating the activities.
20. The general meeting may pass decisions if more than half of the members of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK are represented.
21. Each member of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK has one vote. A decision of the general meeting is passed if more than half of the authorised representatives of the members who participated in the meeting vote in favour.
22. The board manages and represents the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.
23. The minimum number of the members of the board of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK is 3.
24. The jurisdiction of the board covers:
1) representing the CO-OPERATION NETWORK;
2) determining the directions, methods and plan of activities;
3) preparing the standing rule and organising the activities;
4) convening and holding the general meeting;
5) recruiting and excluding members;
6) concluding necessary contracts for carrying out activities;
7) managing accounting according to the Accounting Act.


25. The means and property of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK belong to the non-governmental organisation and they are used and disposed according to legislation in force and the current Statutes in order to achieve the objectives of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK.
26. CO-OPERATION NETWORK does not bear proprietary liability for the proprietary obligations of its members.
27. The means and the property of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK are composed of:
1) membership fees, donations, grants, subsidies, income from projects, programmes, etc;
2) income from benefit events organised in order to achieve the objectives specified in the Statutes, from sponsor and advertising contracts, from transactions with immovable and movable property, from interest income and from other income as established by legislation.
28. The fiscal year of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.


29. The merger, division and liquidation of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK are conducted according to the legislation in force in the Republic of Estonia.
30. At the dissolution of the CO-OPERATION NETWORK after settlement of the claims of the creditors the remaining assets are passed on to a non-governmental organisation with similar objectives, to a foundation, to the state or to a local government authority.

The Statutes are passed at the foundation meeting on 4 August 2003.


Liitu püsiannetajatega

Liitu Reformierakonna püsiannetajate kogukonnaga, et saaksime liberaalse maailmavaate veelgi enamate inimesteni viia. Anna oma pikaajaline panus, et Eesti jätkaks paremal kursil!

Vaata lähemalt